Enlaces 2023-12-27T16:06:34+00:00 Comissão Editorial Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">ISSN&nbsp;2675-9810</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">A <em>Enlaces - Revista de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários</em> é uma publicação digital vinculada ao grupo de pesquisa <em>ELiPor - Estudos da Língua Portuguesa: descrição e ensino</em>, desenvolvido no <em>Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia</em>. O periódico busca reunir textos inéditos, sejam eles artigos ou resenhas, na área de Linguística e Literatura, especialmente nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, que contemplem as suas diferentes dimensões de análise: descrição linguística, estudos literários, ensino, interfaces interdisciplinares etc.</p> Language change in actual time – hic et nunc – in Brazilian portuguese (BP) 2022-11-01T08:45:46+00:00 Odete Pereira da Silva Menon <p>Although grammaticalization is a special type of linguistic change, the conditions acting on this process are the same ones that affect any variation: (i) the emergence of a competitor form; (ii) dissemination mechanisms of the emerging form in the community; (iii) effective competition between both forms; (iv) possible implementation of the innovative variant; (v) disappearance or specialization of the superseded form. In the case of verbs, the source verb may remain a full verb. This seems to be the case of the transformation of the movement verb <strong>to follow</strong> into an auxiliary verb in Brazilian Portuguese, as newscast data indicates. As observed in the news about the clinical condition of the candidate Jair Bolsonaro after the attack he suffered at a rally during the electoral period (09.06.2018), there was an expansion in the use of <em>seguir</em> (to follow), both in the function of a copula verb and in the gerund periphrasis. Consequently, a direct competition was established with the auxiliaries: <em>estar</em> (to be), <em>ficar</em> (to stay) and <em>continuar</em> (to continue); for instance: “<em>Bolsonaro segue hospitalizado</em>” (be/continues); “<em>As condições de saúde de Bolsonaro seguem sendo estáveis</em>.” Regarding the implementation conditions (WLH, 1968, actuation problem) of the new form, social networks have favored its stability as an auxiliary verb. Additionally, social media users might have acted in the consolidation of the full form of the verb, as in the example: “Follow me online!"</p> 2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Odete Pereira da Silva Menon THE RE-SIGNIFICATION OF BRAZILIAN POPULAR MUSIC: THE RELATIONS OF LITERARY-MUSICAL DISCOURSE AS A CONSTITUTIVE DISCOURSE 2023-03-20T14:33:39+00:00 Flávia Nicaele Sousa Silva <p>This paper aims to investigate the Brazilian literomusical production as a constitutive discourse from the resignification of Brazilian Popular Music, in view of the contemporary dramatic-musical discourse. It uses the theoretical discussions of studies by Costa (2001; 2012), Charaudeau (2013; 2018), Maingueneau (1995, 2000, 2012, 2018), Menezes (2005), Gonçalves (2014) and Orlandi (1987; 2009) regarding the constitutive discourse and about Brazilian Popular Music. With this, we seek to present the literomusical discourse as constitutive discourse; to identify the dramatic-musical discourse as a category; and to describe a brief scenario about the old and new MPB. In synthesis, we propose to reflect about the notions of these discourses based on the re-signification of Brazilian popular music, in view of the new MPB. We can identify that the Brazilian musical discourse is heterogeneous, with a mixture of genres, rhythms, positions and influences from foreign movements. The national identity is structured from the plurality of factors present in society, this identity, therefore, symbol of the Brazilian literomusical discourse is constituted in society as constitutive discourse. Thus, the constitutive discourse is the one that is built in society and starts to circulate as a standard discourse of a particular institution, configuring the identity of a group.</p> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Flávia Nicaele Sousa Silva The Variable dipthongization in final stressed syllables closed by the sibilant archiphoneme /s/ in SEABRA (BA) 2023-05-30T14:52:44+00:00 Elias de Souza Santos Adriana de Souza Oliveira <p>In this study we aim to analyze the variable rule of diphthong formation in final stressed syllables closed by /S/ in the speech of Seabra (BA), verifying its linguistic and social embedding in light of Variationist Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 2008 [1972]). After data collection by listening, the data were tabulated and submitted to logistic regression models with fixed- and mixed-effects, with the aid of the R programming language (R CORE TEAM, 2020). The results obtained with the multivariate analyses, according to estimates with a significant p-value, suggest that diphthongization in the investigated speech community is disadvantaged by speakers with high school and university education and by the morphological class of verbs, in the fixed-effects model, maintaining the same correlation in the mixed-effects model, except for the morphological class of verbs.</p> 2023-12-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Elias de Souza Santos, Adriana de Souza Oliveira The Lexical variation for hair accessory 2023-12-13T12:06:19+00:00 Carina Sampaio Nascimento Marcela Moura Torres Paim <p>This article regards a lexical investigation developed based on data from the corpus of the project Linguistic Atlas of Brazil [Atlas Linguístico do Brasil] (ALiB). The latter is a nationwide effort in the area of Dialectology, whose method is Pluridimensional Geolinguistics, which is based on a basic tripod, defined by Cardoso (2010) as a network of points, informants, and questionnaires. A network with locations in the Brazilian Northeast was selected for this study, which presented the following question from the Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire – QSL, 192, “how do you call the thin metal object used to hold your hair in? Show hairpin or <em>grampo</em> (with pressure)/<em>ramona</em>/misse” (Comitê National, 2001, p. 37). The informants who contributed were stratified by gender, age group, and level of education. The denominations found, such as misse, grampo, birilo, and friso, were evaluated from a geo-sociocognitive perspective, revealing the radial networks with the prototypical and peripheral forms related to the names attributed to the hair accessory by the speakers.</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Carina Sampaio Nascimento, Marcela Moura Torres Paim Connecting word and reality 2023-12-27T16:06:34+00:00 Cristiano Mendes Majewski <p>Pedro Casaldáliga's poetry is studied in the literary field, especially in engaged and social poetry. The poem "Ideal Water" stands out, with its dense narrative, symbolism, and reflections on the importance of water for humans and the environment. The analysis reveals aesthetic, historical, social, and environmental aspects. A critical approach highlights layers of meaning, connecting to contemporary studies like the Anthropocene and Coloniality. It also allows for immersion into the poem's complexity, revealing its relationship with society and nature. Thus, this article aims to expand the studies on Pedro Casaldáliga's poetry, highlighting its artistic, social, environmental relevance, and its mobilizing power in the face of urgent challenges.</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cristiano Mendes Majewski Theoretical-conceptual perspectives of reading concepts 2022-10-07T12:46:50+00:00 Ricardo Ferreira de Sousa <p>Reading is a very important requirement in one’s life. Its practice corresponds to knowledge acquired and implemented, partly in the school context, especially when it comes to the teaching and learning process, because they reveal a traditional approach which lead to the formation of passive readers. Considering this premise, we engaged in a theoretical-conceptual discussion linked to three reading conceptions, namely text perspective, reader's perspective, and author-text-reader's perspective. We seek to highlight these reading concepts and their theoretical implications for Portuguese language teaching. The work is carried out from the theoretical postulates defined within Applied Linguistics, in which we conceive the development of language from a socio-historical and ideological perspective, supported, above all, by the theory of Bakhtin and his followers: Fuza, Ohuschi e Menegassi (2011; 2020), Fuza e Menegassi (2017), Menegassi e Angelo (2010), Solé (1998), Leffa (1999) e Geraldi (1997). Therefore, we have conducted a bibliographic study, characterized for a qualitative, descriptive, and interpretive analysis, anchored in academic discussions on the topic. The results indicate that the conceptions of reading have changed over the years, going from extraction to attribution then to interlocution, that is, from the text and the reader to the interactive representation between text, reader, and author. We also understand that the roots of a traditional way of reading do not take into account the reader's experiences and knowledge; on the other hand, through the exercise of a critical and reflective reading, the reader constitutes a live and dialogic movement.</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Ferreira de Sousa The Vocal harmony in Sonhém, Iraquara (BA) 2023-09-01T02:51:11+00:00 Elias de Souza Santos Caroline de Oliveira Sousa <p>This study proposed, under the principles of Variationist Sociolinguistics (Labov, 2008 [1972]), to analyze the effects of vowel harmony in the posterior pretonic staff /O/, a regressive assimilation process that, according to Bisol (1981), consists of changing the mid-high vowel in front of a syllable with a high vowel, in a sample of the rural speech community called Sonhém, located in Iraquara, a Brazilian municipality in the state of Bahia. The results achieved indicate that the data distribution shows statistical significance for the following context variables, grammatical class, tonicity, homorganicity and age group, with which two logistic regression models with binary predictors were proposed, one with fixed effects and the other with effects. mixed, which did not show differences in terms of estimates, since correlations were maintained in both models.</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Elias de Souza Santos, Caroline Power relationships and authentic existence in "As filhas do falecido coronel", by Katherine Mansfield 2023-12-13T12:05:29+00:00 Moisés Silva de Azevedo Filho Clara Morghana Pereira Silva <p>The main purpose of this article is to analyze the short story <em>As Filhas do Falecido Coronel</em> (1920), by the New Zealand writer Katherine Mansfield, from the perspective of authentic existence to identify means of interference and social oppressions on the protagonists and, for that, we will highlight excerpts from the narrative in question for analysis. The research will be bibliographical and analytical in nature, having as theoretical support assumptions, above all, from Michel Foucault (1996), to contribute to the discussions about power relations, and from Miroslawa Kubasiewicz (2011), a Polish researcher who used the idea of “authentic existence”, a notion in vogue in many of Katherine Mansfield's narratives. Our proposal assumes that the protagonists of Mansfield's short story, the sisters Constantia and Josephine, adopt social roles imposed on them due to power relations constituted in patriarchy that impel them to exercise their will after their father's death, while they have difficulties in deal with various posthumous engagements.</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Moisés Silva de Azevedo Filho