O ERÓTICO EM A VÊNUS DAS PELES DE SACHER-MASOCH: Interdito e Transgressão no contrato de submissão
This article analyzes the sexual interdicts in the novel A Vênus das Peles (2015) by Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895), mapping the erotic trajectory of the contract of submission established by the characters in the narrative, assuming that eroticism is the approval of life even in death, precisely because these two forces are analogous: eroticism has the value of death, its first meaning, putting death on the agenda, but a metaphorical death – the death of one state to the state of another (BATAILLE, 2017) . Thus, the theoretical treatment of the discussion was based on the concepts of Eroticism, Prohibition and Transgression from the perspective of studies by Bataille (2017) and Castelo Branco (2004), it also became necessary to understand sexuality as a psychic drive, which Freud (1940 ) brings as the driving force of the human psyche. The methodology adopted in the research corpus followed the interpretative basis of Deleuze (2009), which allowed us to understand that the violence that surrounds the characters' relationship has the effect of suspending death, making use of suffering, of the whip, to achieve union eros-death.
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