Theoretical-conceptual perspectives of reading concepts

Focus on extraction, atribution and interlocution processes




Reading, Perspective, Interlocution, Interaction


Reading is a very important requirement in one’s life. Its practice corresponds to knowledge acquired and implemented, partly in the school context, especially when it comes to the teaching and learning process, because they reveal a traditional approach which lead to the formation of passive readers. Considering this premise, we engaged in a theoretical-conceptual discussion linked to three reading conceptions, namely text perspective, reader's perspective, and author-text-reader's perspective. We seek to highlight these reading concepts and their theoretical implications for Portuguese language teaching. The work is carried out from the theoretical postulates defined within Applied Linguistics, in which we conceive the development of language from a socio-historical and ideological perspective, supported, above all, by the theory of Bakhtin and his followers: Fuza, Ohuschi e Menegassi (2011; 2020), Fuza e Menegassi (2017), Menegassi e Angelo (2010), Solé (1998), Leffa (1999) e Geraldi (1997). Therefore, we have conducted a bibliographic study, characterized for a qualitative, descriptive, and interpretive analysis, anchored in academic discussions on the topic. The results indicate that the conceptions of reading have changed over the years, going from extraction to attribution then to interlocution, that is, from the text and the reader to the interactive representation between text, reader, and author. We also understand that the roots of a traditional way of reading do not take into account the reader's experiences and knowledge; on the other hand, through the exercise of a critical and reflective reading, the reader constitutes a live and dialogic movement.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, . F. de. Theoretical-conceptual perspectives of reading concepts: Focus on extraction, atribution and interlocution processes. Enlaces, Salvador, v. 4, p. e023006, 2023. DOI: 10.55847/enlaces.v4i.1007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.