But have you ever seen a werewolf? The anaphoric strategies of the direct object
A sociolinguistic analysis of the afro-bahian rural variety
Anaphoric direct object, Variation, Linguistic contactAbstract
This paper analyzes the strategies of anaphora of the direct object in the Maracujá community, correlating them with social and linguistic factors. This phenomenon, essential for differentiating between language variants, has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent years. The anaphoric direct object (ODA) not only illustrates the particularities of Brazilian Portuguese, but also serves as an indicator of the social interactions and linguistic hierarchies present in the speech communities. Following the theoretical-methodological assumptions of variationist sociolinguistics (Weinreich; Labov; Herzog, 2006; Labov, 2008). In this first description made with the data collected, the preference of the speakers for the use of the empty category (70%), anaphoric noun phrase (17%) and the lexical pronoun (13%) was recorded, there were no resumptions with the accusative clitic. The analysis took into account the semantic trait and the social variables gender and age group, verifying to what extent the sex of the the informant, age group and animacy of the referent can influence variable use. The analysis of the distribution of the empty category and lexical pronoun variants according to the semantic trait of animacity reveals that pronominal choices in rural Afro-Brazilian Portuguese are strongly influenced by the animated status of the antecedent. Connecting with the classic research of Duarte (1986), Cyrino (1994), Figueiredo (2004). The results found in this analysis with the preliminary data allowed to make a previous description of the behavior of the Passion Fruit community in relation to the phenomenon.
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