The concrete utterance in literary enunciative-discursive tessituras about the Sertão / Northeast / Semiarid




Dialogism, Concrete Utterance, Enunciative processes, Sertão/Northeast


The term concrete utterance establishes both a rupture and an epistemological position of Bakhtin's Circle about the production of knowledge in Linguistics and Literature. Thus, the study carried out here aims at dealing reflexively and theoretically with the concept of concrete utterance, thinking it through the mobilization of excerpts from works of the so-called literature of the drylands, such as Rachel de Queiroz's O Quinze (2012 [1930]) and Domingos Olympio Braga Cavalcanti's Luzia-Homem (1977 [1903]).  Thus, in methodological terms, we proceed with the outline of an enunciative-discursive reading based on Bakhtinian theoretical assumptions. This research is of bibliographical nature, carried out through the survey of references already published about the theme, so the studies were based on some authors such as Volóchinov (2018 [1929]; 2019); Bakhtin (2011 [1979]; 2015 [1975]); Medviédev (2012 [1928]); Santos Filho and Santos (2021); Albuquerque Jr. (2011; 2017; 2019), among others. The results point to the understanding that concrete utterances participate in the life of meanings affiliating themselves to previous and subsequent discursive links, which corroborate or refract certain thematic content forged in the enunciative process, as exemplified by the excerpts of the mobilized literary works, which participate in the construction of the hegemonic notion of Sertão/Northeast/Semiarid. Furthermore, Bakhtinian studies understood that the concrete utterance has specificities and participates in the chain of the life of meanings, building an intelligible reality in the different spheres of human activity and different discursive genres.


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How to Cite

SILVA DOS SANTOS, . P. The concrete utterance in literary enunciative-discursive tessituras about the Sertão / Northeast / Semiarid. Enlaces, Salvador, v. 3, 2022. DOI: 10.55847/enlaces.v3i.975. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.